Thursday, August 27, 2020

Another night of soccer

The summer soccer season is over already, but he'll be playing again in the fall!

In ready position:

Go, Omri, go!

Team photo in the age of social distancing:


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Rachel, season 2

You may remember Rachel from last summer. She was the kids' nanny again this summer and her time with us has ended once again.

Here's the trio eating a favorite snack, nachos:

I'm impressed by the arts and crafts they did together. Here's a sample:

Toilet paper roll figures were a hit. That's the Rachel, Omri, and Veronica in the first row, respectively. Omri is holding the rocket ship from the previous picture. Harry Potter and somebody I'm not able to identify are in the back.

A collection of books:

Rachel drew herself and Omri drew himself. So cute!

A paper lantern:

We will miss you, Rachel!


Friday, August 21, 2020

Omri tries bok choy

We have been revamping our approach to meal times lately in an effort to expand the kids' diets. I'll be honest--it's been a huge source of stress and I've spent meals close to tears when I see their disappointment over being served something unfamiliar. But I have to hand it to the kids for keeping a positive attitude about the situation. If nothing else, they are hiding their distaste and are usually willing to try a little of everything on their plates, even if it means they will still go to bed hungry on some nights.

This is a little iPhone video of Omri trying a piece of bok choy sautéed in soy sauce and sesame oil for the first time. My favorite part is when he starts to give it a "thumbs up" but then changes it to a rubbing of his chin. Also, keep a look out for a surprise appearance from Veronica at the end.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

William O'Brien state park

We went on our annual August camping trip with friends, this time at William O'Brien State Park, which is conveniently close to the Cities.

Pie iron pizzas for dinner:

Camp dog:

These are some of Veronica's oldest friends... I'm glad they continue to keep in touch:

Based on my limited photos, it would appear we did a lot of eating on this trip. S'more were a must:

We took a long bike ride Saturday morning and went swimming in the afternoon, but somehow I didn't manage to capture any photos from these activities.

The park is located along the St. Croix river. Omri enjoyed exploring the river's edge.

I'm mixing in a few iPhone photos. Love this one:

Veronica's fire starting skills have come a long way:

The girls did a little song and dance:


Friday, August 14, 2020

5 (but not for much longer)

Omri will be turning 6 years old in less than a month, so I'm glad we got this shot while it still applies:


Sunday, August 9, 2020

A boy and his momma


Friday, August 7, 2020

iPhone catchup

It's been hard to keep up lately--with life, with work, with technology, with my own silly blogging habits. Here are a bunch of iPhone shots from the last year that have not yet been posted (some have been on Instagram). I've been trying to do something similar with my DSLR shots, which have fallen more than 3 years behind but just can't seem to manage it right now.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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