Thursday, July 29, 2021

Slice of Shoreview 2021

We had a nice time at the Slice of Shoreview last Friday night. You could call it a warm-up for the upcoming State Fair.

We didn't go out until 8pm, so the lighting was dim and drained of color. It didn't stop us from jumping in.

We were all impressed when Veronica pulled off a back flip, but what we didn't realize is that she was doing them five years ago at the same place!

Omri had his chance to jump too, although he was little more cautious:

It took him a few tries, but he eventually hit his target with this cork gun and won a new sword (the guy is in a weapons phase):

We ate some mini donuts and cheese curds (Veronica's new favorite):

Omri and I rode the Ferris wheel together. He snuggled in pretty close every time we got to the top.

Omri won the race down the slide:

I don't have any photos of the fireworks (our reason for going out so late), but they were great!


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Summer soccer 2021 - Omri edition

Giving the evil glare:

Team cheer (with icee pop):


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My dad turns 70

My side of the family got together last weekend to celebrate the 70th birthday of our patriarch.

He shared some old clippings, photos, and stories with us, bringing light to the past of a good man. My brothers and I have been really blessed to have such a positive role model in our lives.

It was also fun to get out on the lake during some perfect weather.

Little Mason enjoyed the boat ride:

The bigger kids enjoyed the lily pad:

Omri battled it out with uncle Trevor:

Mason ate a lot of animal crackers:

Water balloon toss:

Max was there, keeping an eye on things:

The kids during the trivia contest:

We fulfilled my dad's wish of all of us attending church together on Sunday:

The original five of us (photo by R):

Back to the house for brunch and a skit performed by VOTE (Veronica, Omri, Tyler, and Elise):

Here's a video recording of the skit:

As long as we're including some iPhone stuff, here's one of V holding her little cousin:

Trevor was presented with his favorite mop handle, a muse from his childhood... long story:

It was a good weekend.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Summer soccer 2021 - Veronica edition

We have been back at it with soccer four nights a week.

First we'll feature photos of Veronica.

Guess who's the assistant coach on her team...

Yes, it's her momma:

I'm proud of them both!


Friday, July 9, 2021

Fourth of July 2021

I haven't been feeling the photo vibe as much lately, but here's what I have from the 4th:

Parade goers:

Mason with Great-Grandma:

Omri caught some sunnies!

Mason is at a cute age:

The lily pad is always a good time:

Veronica jumping off the boat:

Captain Omri:

Fireworks over Ely Lake:



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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