Saturday, October 31, 2020

Pumpkin carving 2020

 This was the first year Omri was really able to do some of the carving himself.

He managed to do the nose, eyes, and eyebrows without any help!

Veronica carved her Harry Potter themed pumpkin at a Girl Scout meeting (and may have been exposed to the Coronavirus in the process... more on that story as it develops).

Good work, kids!


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Veronica turns 10

Veronica enjoys relaxing at home, so a relaxing birthday at home may not have been a big letdown for her. She received some nice gifts and visited (mostly virtually) with extended family and friends. We finally mastered cooking one her favorite foods (called roti) that we'd only be able to find in a Thai restaurant in Santa Barbara until now. Momma also made her a delicious birthday cake. Look at how many more candles are on that thing than there were nine years ago. At the least her crown still fits!

Let's jump back to when she first woke up. This mysteriously thin gift was waiting for her.

I'm including this one for the smile:

The envelope contained a rubbing of Omri's piggy bank (which helped encourage Omri to get involved with the hunt):

The piggy bank led them straight down (through the floor) to an unexpected swan among our origami flock:

The swan pointed to V's video camera, which contained a birthday message from me and a clue pointing to her ukulele:

The clues could be unscrambled to spell out APPLE, which itself was a clue:

Wrapped gifts in hand now, I think she had some idea of what was inside:

Yes, she finally got her own device, an Apple iPad! This was a big moment for her.

Opening a beautiful set of colored pencils and a sketchbook from Grandma Linda with her on the video phone:

Watching the animated Addams Family movie later that night:

The next day, Grandma and Grandpa F swung by for a masked visit:

Another gift... This one was a special Hydro Flask water bottle:

I can't believe my girl is in the double digits. We all had to give up big group celebrations this year, but it was still a lovely weekend just being together.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Happy 10th birthday to Veronica!

Veronica turns 10 today, and she seems to think that is the most important milestone in a person's life. She may be right. She means the world to me. I don't think I can sum up my love for her in a blog post... I'm just really proud of her and am looking forward to more decades of knowing her.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Preview of our latest cardboard creation

Just a hint at one of the projects Omri and I are working on right now (details to follow):


Sunday, October 18, 2020


This has probably been the most quiet the blog has been since it started. There are more posts coming, I promise! I have been busy creatively on a multitude of projects and it's been very satisfying, but in the process I've had to give up documenting my family life a bit.

These photos may be a bit of topic for the blog, but I wanted to share some shots of me directing my new short film (yeah, the same one I was directing last October). We have officially finished filming now, although there's still a lot more to do before I call this thing complete. (And before I even get back to working on it, I need to finish editing a music video by an Australian singer-songwriter.)

These were taken by the film's cinematographer, Louis:


And this one was taken by one of our extras, Thom:


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Return to the soccer field

The kids played another season of soccer this fall. My photo coverage is limited because I'm the assistant coach on Omri's team. This makes it difficult to attend Veronica's games and to take photos at Omri's. I have seen a lot of V's practices, however, and she is doing surprisingly well after taking a few years off. Omri has come a long way too, but he also just seems to have a lot of fun playing, which is the better takeaway. 

Here's one of the few shots I have of V in action:


Friday, October 2, 2020

Sunset jump

I had another roll of film developed along with that expired roll, and these results turned out much better. Most of the roll is from my exploration of small towns in northern Minnesota and will eventually be posted in this Facebook gallery, but I allowed myself a single attempt at capturing Veronica jumping off the dock at Grandma Linda's place. There's something satisfying about having taken this on an analog, physical format.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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