Sunday, August 31, 2014

Outtakes collection #7

Our new baby could arrive any day now, so I'm trying to close the book on our lives as a family of three, at least from a photography perspective.  As usual, these outtakes include shots that didn't quite turn out or didn't fit in a post for one reason or another.  You may have seen them elsewhere on the web, but they are not currently found on this blog (unless I'm not remembering correctly).  Let's take a look...

I like this shot but it simply lost out to better shots from the day:

I think V went through a phase of lying in the middle of the floor:

This one was posted for a little while and then I took it down.  I wasn't happy with the skin tone captured.  However, it's true to life because V was sick with a fever and looking rather pale the day this was taken :-(.

If I ask V to pose with a smile, I usually get something like this.  (So when you do see a nice smile on this blog, you can know it's usually a natural one.)

This is the goofy-face version of one my favorite shots of the year.

Too-Tall Grizzly:

This was taken during our visit to California.  She looks like a star.

This is an alternate to one I posted where I'm standing closer to the tree:

V is a touch out of focus in this one, bringing it down to B-grade:

Many of these shots were excluded because of their centered framing.

I want to go back and photograph more landmarks from my childhood like this:

A black-and-white version of this was posted on Midnight Toast.  I can't decide which one I like better.

This is another one that has been floating around on my other web streams.  I like it too much not to share here too:

More centered framing...

The blur here was intentional, but I guess it's still not that interesting:

That's Ezra in there:

I kind of botched the post-processing of the shot below (look at the windows of the truck) and decided to not spend time trying again because V isn't looking at the camera anyway.

This could have been great, but we ended up in a teacup that wouldn't spin very well.  In order to get some motion blur in the backgound, I had to slow the shutter so much that I couldn't keep V in focus either.

This is the kind of little moment that isn't interesting enough to get its own post but is worth including somewhere like here:

On her way to the stage:

Lazy photography here (taking the shot wherever I happen to be with no regard to lighting or composition), but it makes a nice bookend to the first shot in this collection, so I'm including it.  Plus, who doesn't like to see R and V hanging on the couch together?


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Plain old good smile


Friday, August 29, 2014

Departure anniversary

We left Santa Barbara one year ago today.  It was a mountain of change from which we continue to descend.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Serious tea party


Playing Ninja Turtles at a park (although you probably can't tell)


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Basement construction crew

We had an expert, a college student, a pregnant woman, a rookie, and a documentarian (not pictured) working on our basement over the weekend.  Thanks for the help, everyone.

Also of note: Uncle Nathan is starting school just down the road from us at the U.  We're looking forward to having him closer by.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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