Saturday, September 12, 2015

Omri's first birthday

One thing I love about Omri is how he smiles every time see him. Sometimes if I just step into another room and then come back, he'll give me a smile and want to be held by me for a bit. The smiles are especially big first thing in the morning or when I return home from work. I'm so grateful to have had a sweet little guy like him in my life for the last year. And just think about how much fun the next year holds.

He was so curious (and still is) about the Happy Birthday sign we hung in our foyer:

He's been wanting to get outside quite often. He'll walk to the patio door and try to slide it open. If he can't, he'll want us to pick him up so he can get at the lock.

Momma took the day off on Friday to spend time with him.

It hasn't been long since we threw Omri a baptism reception, so we decided to avoid the stress and have a low-key birthday celebration this year. Momma made him his own (healthy) cake:

Unfortunately I didn't manage to capture a great shot with him with the cake for my series. The boy wanted to grab the burning candle and broke down crying when we didn't give it to him. The first birthday is a tricky one.

I have plenty of him squashing the cake though!

I don't think any of it ended up in his mouth.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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