Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Chilean dance

Veronica performed in front on an auditorium full of people as a part of the Girl Scout's international festival last Saturday.

V's troop studied Chile and did an authentic dance from the region.

The dance only lasted one minute and V was obscured from my view for the first half of it, so the photos are lacking. (Plans for video were also nixed.)

Afterwards, she and her troop sold necklaces with copper (okay, pennies), one of Chile's major exports, hanging on them.

Omri sampled some authentic Mexican (?) cuisine (popcorn):

Here's the troop's poster displaying some research about Chile:

Grandma Linda was able to join us for the festival:



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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