Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Outtakes collection #2

My favorite shots of Vera have already been posted on this blog, but below are a few "b-sides and rarities" taken since the last such compilation.  Enjoy!

This one is just plain creepy:

Don't worry -- R was standing right out of the frame, ready to swoop in at the first sign of a roll:

This is the first shot taken during my leave of absence from work... I love the "what do we do now, dad?" expression on her face:

This one seems mean, but it only lasted for a split second -- just long enough to take the shot -- and then she lifted her head back up:

First photo from her first ride on a swing... That is pure joy on her face:

That's my camera strap:

Little surfer girl:

That's it for now.  FYI: I won't be posting much during the next two weeks due to some circumstances I'll explain later. Good-bye for now.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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