Saturday, April 30, 2016

An early adventure

Happy anniversary to my beloved R. Here were are the East Maui Volcano, better known as Haleakalā, during our honeymoon 11 years ago. The tour guide picked us up in the middle of the night so that we could see the sun rise over the gigantic crater of the volcano and bike the long road down afterwards.

I'm very lucky to  have a wife who plans things for us to do. If it were up to me, we'd never leave the house (or while on a honeymoon, the hotel), but I'm always happy to have gone on an adventure when it's all said and done. R has been impeccably planning them for as long as I've known her, right up through our latest trip to California or even dinner on our anniversary.

Thank you, sweetheart, my making my life (and my blog) more interesting!



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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