Sunday, January 29, 2012

Outtakes collection #3

Outtake posts are the most fun because I get to look through my archives and see all kinds of great moments that I would have otherwise forgotten.

These are a few of my B-grade SLR shots.  Hopefully they all contain something worth sharing.  Check 'em out!


This focus is a little soft here, but that's a great smile:

Hugging cousin Ezra:

Riding the swing at Grandpa's:

I broke my "no camera flash" rule to get a shot of her riding in this box:

Alternate angle of the scene above:

I probably didn't post this because I didn't want you to judge us for bring a baby to a brewery:

She really loved that box behind her:

A couple from Colorado:

Here's this collection's creepy shot, taken in the hotel that inspired The Shining no less:

Her first birthday!

Those darned paparazzi:

Yes, that's a booty in her mouth (maybe some of these should have remained outtakes):

Post-bath walk:

A good eating shot I never got around to posting:

Playing with cousin Ellie:

This one feels like a cold Minnesota morning:

This is her kissy face:

Our little ragamuffin on Christmas morning:

Not sure if she was drinking the sand or just pouring it down her shirt:

I wish I would have caught her, not just a picture of her :-(.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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