Sunday, September 1, 2024

Minnesota State Fair 2024

The fair opened an hour or two late on Tuesday morning because of storm damage from the night before, so we had a false start out the door. We went back home, waited a bit, and then ended up driving the whole way in on account of the park-and-rides still being closed, which ended up working out fine (the traffic up Snelling was not horrible).

As usual, cookies were still the first stop:

Sweet Martha's mother:

Pumpkins in front of pumpkins:

I chased down this photo opportunity:

Morning scene:

Butter head:

Corn face:

Sky Gliders:

Goldy on the Glider:

Annual photo on the Little Farm Hands tractor:

You have piqued Bread Man's interest:

Looking for lunch:

V brought her new bag, handmade in Guatemala (received as a gift from Ezra who traveled there in August):

Veronica drinks an iced latte while Omri has a root beer float:

We have a new appreciation for SpongeBob in this family.

These were the best cheese curds!

On the left: Omri, his momma, and some chicken tenders. On the right: the much-discussed deep fried ranch.

The kids decided they were too old for the kidway and too young for the midway, so we didn't go on many rides. All in all, it was a good year at the fair.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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