Sunday, September 29, 2024

Back to the Future the Musical

R took the kids to see Back to the Future The Musical at the Orpheum in Minneapolis. It sounded like a fun show!


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Gracie Abrams concert

Fun night out with Veronica! Gracie Abrams has opened for Taylor Swift, which has brought her a lot attention (also interesting fact: her dad is J.J. Abrams, the director of the Lost pilot, The Force Awakens, and a bunch of other movies). She has bigger following than I expected. V is a fan, so we checked her out at The Armory in Minneapolis. She put on a great show!


V left me for a bit to get a better view:

Some video clips:


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Veronica's babysitting service

V made these flyers and is distributing them to families with small kids in the neighborhood. I removed her number from this photo, so let me know if you are need of some babysitting at a very reasonable price!


Friday, September 20, 2024

We made a boat

... a pirate ship, to be more specific.

This was a fun little project that Omri and I worked on together when he needed a boat for some battles between action figures.

I love having creative projects to work on with this kid.

By the way, we are looking for a home for the big "cardboard racetrack" we spent many hours building. It will be difficult for me to part with, so I'd like to give it to somebody who will love it as much as we do. I took some photos/video of it as well and will be posting sometime soon.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Recent selfies

These are all from the last month. Just wanted to throw them out there.

State Fair:

Big Dipper ice cream after a ride, while the ladies were at the Ren Fair:

Twins hat twins:

Dinner at Churchill Street:

Dinner at Bang Brewing:

Date night at Centro:


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Omri turns 10

Omri woke up on Tuesday to a gift that was not the shape or size he was expecting to see.

It started him on a bit of a scavenger hunt.

A video on the "old phone" told him where the actual gift was hidden:

Back to where he started, to open his first iPad!

We went out to Parlour in St. Paul for burgers (although I didn't get any great photos there):

Dan took this one of us outside the restaurant (Veronica was at rehearsal and couldn't join us):

Back home for our annual candle photo with leftover ice cream cake:

Hope you had a great birthday, buddy!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Omri's 10th birthday sleepover

We scaled back the numbers of party guests this year to just two but increased the duration to 22 hours!

We started at SkyZone:

That's Omri falling in the background:

Time to cool off:


Then it was back home for burgers and corn from the grill:


Such good friends!


Big Dipper ice cream cakes are soooooo good!

Great weather for The Simpsons out on the deck:

And, of course, there was a sleepover involved and more hanging out the next morning. Seemed like a good time (and was significantly less stressful for me than some the larger parties we held). Yay for turning 10!


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Happy golden birthday, Omri!

Mr. Omri Boy, the big guy himself, turns 10 today. What a lucky dad I am to have had him in my life for a whole decade! I am excited to see what the next one brings!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Ren Fest 2024

These two beauties had a good time at the Renaissance Festival on Labor Day! (Photos by R)



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

First day of 4th and 8th


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Minnesota State Fair 2024

The fair opened an hour or two late on Tuesday morning because of storm damage from the night before, so we had a false start out the door. We went back home, waited a bit, and then ended up driving the whole way in on account of the park-and-rides still being closed, which ended up working out fine (the traffic up Snelling was not horrible).

As usual, cookies were still the first stop:

Sweet Martha's mother:

Pumpkins in front of pumpkins:

I chased down this photo opportunity:

Morning scene:

Butter head:

Corn face:

Sky Gliders:

Goldy on the Glider:

Annual photo on the Little Farm Hands tractor:

You have piqued Bread Man's interest:

Looking for lunch:

V brought her new bag, handmade in Guatemala (received as a gift from Ezra who traveled there in August):

Veronica drinks an iced latte while Omri has a root beer float:

We have a new appreciation for SpongeBob in this family.

These were the best cheese curds!

On the left: Omri, his momma, and some chicken tenders. On the right: the much-discussed deep fried ranch.

The kids decided they were too old for the kidway and too young for the midway, so we didn't go on many rides. All in all, it was a good year at the fair.



Hello, family and friends. I started this blog to post photos and video of our little girl and little boy. If you are interested in having any of these printed, let me know and I can send you some higher resolution images. Thanks for visiting!

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